Sunday, September 27, 2009

Guess Who's Back?

Now, everyone and their cousin has already written something about morals and ethics and things like that, and quite honestly, I'm sick of it. The NFL is full of scumbags who have done drugs, cheated on their wives, lied and various other horrible things. Remember, Leonard Little drove drunk and killed someone. He's still in the NFL. Donte Stallworth was drunk and high when he drove and killed someone. He got 30 days in jail. Jamal Lewis was caught trying to be a coke mule. He got 4 months in jail. No one knows exactly what Ray Lewis did the night of Super Bowl XXXIV, but two people were killed, and he was investigated.

So, before people that are fans of other teams get on your high horses and ask how the Eagles could sign someone that killed dogs, remember this: there's probably someone on your team that's done some nasty stuff, too. It's just the fact that it was dogs that got everyone in an uproar. Now, I'm not defending Michael Vick, nor am I condoning what he's done in the past, but if it was your brother, your uncle, your would want them to have a second chance, right?

Enough about that, it's time to see what Vick can do on the football field. He's going to see playing time today, and probably a lot of it, since McNabb and Westbrook are both out. This is going to be interesting.

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